Thursday, February 25, 2010


Many people have a difficult time understanding the Bible, so they shy away from reading it. This may be, because they do not have God’s Spirit inside them, (they are not converted; they are not born-again). How do we receive the Holy Spirit? We are to believe and have faith in Jesus Christ. Then we are told in Acts 2:38-REPENT (that is, forsake all your sins), AND BE BAPTIZED (by full immersion) EVERY ONE OF YOU…AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. Gal 3:27-FOR AS MANY OF YOU AS HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST HAVE PUT ON CHRIST. Baptism for babies and baptism by sprinkling are Satan's counterfeits. Before being baptized by immersion, you must believe on the name of Jesus and be willing to forsake all sin (REPENT). When you have difficulty understanding the Bible, ask God to help you and give you understanding. As we read, Jn 16:13-THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH…WILL GUIDE YOU. Jn 14:26-THE HOLY GHOST…HE SHALL TEACH YOU. Lk 24:45-THEN OPENED HE THEIR UNDERSTANDING, THAT THEY MIGHT UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURES. Never approach the Scriptures with a “know-it-all” attitude. Approach God with a humble attitude. Become as a little child before God. God hates pride. It is an abomination to Him. How can God reveal things to people who are wise in their own eyes? It is written, Mt 11:25-THOU HAST HID THESE THINGS FROM THE WISE AND PRUDENT, AND HAST REVEALED THEM UNTO BABES. Job 17:4-THOU HAST HID THEIR HEART FROM UNDERSTANDING.

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