Thursday, November 18, 2010

U in love?

When ever I get the privilege to sharing at wedding. I always to get asked to talk on love.. every now and thn I wish I could talk about something else,about anointing, resurrection, or the kingdom of GOD.
But wen I think about it. I really miss the opportunity to talk about love., for it is soo often miss represented in popular culture , we often flooded wit the tot that love its a feelings, we attempted to think about love in terms of people and things that Combine combo emotion within us.. so we love our family,we love our pet, we love our favorite sport, we love our favorite colour, we love movie, we love music, we love cute guy pretty girls and most of our love seems to focus ultimately on us! And The Love that we encounter in the bible, its a difference kind of love.. it is not only how we make the feels, but on the attitude we choose to have..

in LUKE 10 Jesus tell the beautiful story to the good Samaritan, to a society that understood neighbor s (read LUKE 10: 30-37 ) Jesus Challenged them That understanding of neighbor extant to those that vary difference from us.. those who are difference fashion, difference likes, difference attitude..

in LUKE 6:31-36 Jesus say ' Treat others just as you want to be treated. If u ONLY love who love u, wt credit is that to u? Even sinner love those who love them.' if u do good to those who good to u what credit is that to u? Even sinners do that..and if u lend for those whom u expect wit payment, what credit is dat to u?? even sinners expecting to be repay in full'... but love ur enemy, do good to them,lent to them without expecting to get anything back. thn ur reward will be Great, and u will be the son and daughter of most high,.. because He is kind to the ungrateful , be merciful just like our father is is just not about responding it like to those who love us for.. Jesus teaches us to love even our enemy

infect God gave us the example Himself in Roman5:8 HIS LOVE FOR US ''God demonstrate how much He loved us by having Christ die for us, even though we were SIN... meaning He SET us free, He die for US be4 we know HIM... as in verse 10 it says even when we were God's enemies, He was there to Reconcile with us. He not only teaches us this kind of love but He goes on to exemplify in extreme, but Jesus doest just leave us to attempt dis wit our own strength,He pray for us....

In JOHN 17:26 that the love God has for HIM will be in us and he will He in US .. God presence in our life, graces us to look out the love that we couldn't live just with our own strength. Not only we are empower to love but we are source a love by GOD LOVE.

as PAUL famously write in romans 8:38-39 not life or death, not angles or demons, not the present or the future and not the power above or power below. Nothing creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In this article.. where I get to share the most Popular scripture that is write from 1 Corinthians13: 1-8
what if I could speak all language of humans and of angles but have no love im only resounding a noisy gong,or a clanging Cymbal,
what if I could Prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge and what if I had faith to moved the mountain? If I have no Love.. I am NOTHING
wat if I gave all that I owned and let my self burn alive? I would gain nothing if im not love..
Love is patient, love is kind, no Jealous,boastful, proud or rude isn't selfish doesn't keep record of wrong to others, rejoices in the truth but not in evil, love is supportive, loyal,hopeful,and trusting, Love never FAILS!!!it is remarkably beautiful.. and it is SO Vary challenging.. imagine if we could live that kind of LOVE everywhere, all the time... on the road wen we kena cut off.. at school wen we been betray, and at home wen we been misunderstood.. this stand is our mission to be more like HIM become more like LOVE..

Father we LOVE you help us to love one another the way that YOU love us, help us to love those who unlike us and even those our Enemy's. Help us to love in a way that is So difference to the world, that those who encounter that LOVE will know that we are YOUR Disciples. In Jesus name we PRAY... AMEN..



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